Grilled fish and shellfish

Grilled fish and shellfish

Serves : 6
Preparation : 30 minutes
Cooking : about 10 minutes


  • 6 sardines
  • 6 small red mullets
  • 6 monkfish medallions
  • 18 gambas
  • 6 langoustines
  • 18 large mussels
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 3 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 15 cl olive oil
  • salt and pepper


  1. Peel and chop the garlic cloves, crush them in a mortar with the parsley and a few tablespoons of oil, and season with salt and pepper. Pour into a bowl, add the remaining oil and mix.
  2. Scale and gut the fish, then wash and pat dry. Brush and rinse the mussels. Heat the plancha over very high heat.
  3. Place the fish and shellfish on a large platter. Brush them with the flavored oil, turn them over and brush again. Place them on the hot plancha and cook for around ten minutes, turning the ingredients halfway through. The mussels should be wide open.
  4. Arrange the parrillada in a large serving dish, or divide the ingredients directly onto the plates and serve immediately.



Serve thiese grilled dishes with plain rice and a bowl of garlic mayonnaise.

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